Download woody buzz
Download woody buzz

Other things like having to shoot yourself off a cannon are fun too. Also, you have to use your beak to interact with things and kill enemies too. Sometimes the camera will switch to a 2D perspective which is fun and keeps things fresh. You can collect tokens as you go and the gameplay does get changed up every now and again. He controls very well and I never had any trouble with the camera while I was playing it. You control Woody as he runs, jumps, and attacks on his way to save his family. At its core, Woody Woodpecker: Escape from Buzz Buzzard Park is a basic 3rd person action/platform game. The gameplay on offer here is far better than you are probably thinking. As well as solid voices, the game has a fitting soundtrack that goes great with the levels. As a kid, Woody Woodpecker drove my dad nuts and he appears to be a character you either love or hate and if you hate his laugh, well you will hate the sound in this game as you hear it a lot. The game features some “interesting” voice acting. Woody himself looks great and he is animated very well too. There is a fair amount of variety to the 20 plus levels that the game has too. I played this game recently and was shocked at how bright and colorful everything was. One of the most impressive things about Woody Woodpecker: Escape from Buzz Buzzard Park is how well it holds up from a presentation point of view. It is a decent enough story that has a nice amount of charm to it.

download woody buzz

Woody heads to Buzz Buzzard Park in order to save them himself and put a stop to Buzz Buzzard once and for all. The story of the game is that Buzz Buzzard has kidnapped his niece and nephew and wants a crap ton of money to get them back. I have always loved Woody Woodpecker I remember renting his VHS tapes from the store as a kid. In the late 90s, they rebooted Woody Woodpecker with The New Woody Woodpecker show and this game was released to tie in with that on the PlayStation 2 and PC, there was also a very different Game Boy version released also. Well, I need to tell you that this is a pretty slid action-platformer that is borderline a bit of a hidden gem as it is a game that is way more fun than you would think. I bet that you are thinking, Woody Woodpecker: Escape from Buzz Buzzard Park is going to be some godawful abomination of a video game tie-in.

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