How to play city of heroes on homecoming
How to play city of heroes on homecoming

how to play city of heroes on homecoming

"Are you daring to say these foolish so-called heroes use tactics superior to our own?!" waiting just around the corner to gather us into a big clump and do an AoE alpha=strike?" "And if the hero takes cover, take the shortest route possible towards them until you have line of effect." I mean genetic modifications we've given you? Step forward and punch her for the column. Into the fire, that's where she is, isn't it?" "Did I say something confusing? Shoot her, then, while the gun is cooling down, run up and punch her." umm, say there's an godzilla girl roughly as tall as we are, surrounded in fire, and we just saw her melt a dozen 15 ft battle robots and five 10 ft werewolves?" you should get in range to punch them while you're gun is cooling down." "Hey, that's specialized training you're not ready for. "All right, so if they're close enough, then I should punch them, got it, makes sense."

how to play city of heroes on homecoming how to play city of heroes on homecoming

You're enhanced 8 ft tall nazi super-soldiers, use that." "Now, this is important, if your mini-gun needs to cool down, take the chance to punch the hero. I love city of heroes, but the AI is very simple and I have to imagine certain scenes in the training of the villain groups:

How to play city of heroes on homecoming