But they're just a pain in the ass to maintain. After getting three other 1st rate ships, I finally got my dream fleet of 1st rates.
Anyways, twas a sad moment leaving those galleons behind. If you don't have enough men, be prepared to leave one, two, or even all your ships behind for these babies.
Get them all fully upgraded with full number of men, or else risk sinking them for naught. Reminder to those who want 1st rates, don't aim for them if you got ketches only, get bigger ships first like frigates, galleons, or corvettes before going for the big boys. When I capture my first 1st rate, I had to leave two of my fully upgraded galleons behind, due to lacking number of men needed to capture the damn thing. Also no cheats, or mods, or whatever crap people use to get by the game easy. But even if this guide seems coming from someone who plays countless hours of this game, I assure you, I just played this game for 32 hours in the span of a month, meaning I play 8 hours a week on average or like 2 hours a day. I'm just a casual gamer, meaning I still do my day to day activities, not just playing this game. Note: This is a really long guide, read at your own risk.